A black and white drawing of an envelope on a white background.
A black and white drawing of a telephone on a white background.
A black and white logo for estok properties llc.

An artist 's impression of a self storage facility

Heated Self-Storage in Edinboro, PA

Call us 814-450-7370

 About Estok Properties 

Our self-storage facility is clean, heated and secure, has outside lighting and 24-hour access. We are conveniently located between Edinboro and I-79 on Rt. 6N, just two miles from Edinboro University.
5450 Rt. 6N, Edinboro Pa 16412

Available sizes

5' x 12'

$85/month - includes 6% PA tax

9' x 12'

$110/month - includes 6% PA tax

Get started with self-storage

Home page form

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